Educação em Saúde
Educação Permanente em Saúde: de s centralização e disseminação de capacidade pedagógica na saúde
Permanent Education in He a l t h : decentralization and dissemination of pedagogical capacity in health
Ricardo Burg Ceccim 1
1 Programa de PósGraduação em Edu c a ç ã o,
Grupo Tem á ti co de
E ducação em Saúde, UFRGS.
Rua Dr. Raul Morei ra 550,
Cristal, 90820-160,
Porto Al egre RS. cecc i m @ edu . u f r
Ab s tract The pa per disc u s ses the rel eva n ce and vi a bility on spreading ped a go gic capacity throu ghout the SUS. It is a way of acco m plishing one of the most impo rtant goals of the Brazilian health policy: tra n sfo rming the pu blic health services a locus of teaching-learning throu gh wo rking. The co n cept of Perm a n ent Education in Health hel p s the appraisal of this task. It is not a case for prolonging the time pe ople wo rk in health services, but for inten s i f i c a tion of the rel a tionship between edu c a tion and health care in the area of knowled ge and pra ctices in health. In 2003 and 2004, the Departm ent of Gestão da Educação na Saúde, of the Brazilian Health M n i s try, has made a i unique and innova tive coll a b o ra tion for the achievem ent of this policy goal. The Depa rtment main stra tegy was the cre a tion of a new device: the Pólos de Educação Permanen te em Saúde. In a short peri od of only 16 months the Pólos ga t hered 1.122 different regional orga n i z a ti o n s , f i n a lly putting in practice the article 14 of the Orga n i c
Health Law. The creation of t h e se new devi ces was n ot a formal act; it impl i ed rega rding edu c a tion of professionals and health wo rkers as a priority. As this pa per shows for the first time edu c a tion was n ot tre a ted as a means but as a final policy goal.
Key word s Permanent education in health,
Health diligent, Education, Health
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