Educacao fisica

1455 palavras 6 páginas

Atividade física e gestação: saúde da gestante não atleta e crescimento fetal
Physical activity and pregnancy: nonathletic pregnant women`s health and fetal growth Abstract

The benefits of physical activity on the life cycle are recognized but there is no consensus of physical activity when related to pregnancy. This article reviews aspects and effects of the practice of physical activities during pregnancy on non-athletic pregnant women and on the fetus. Medline and
Pubmed were referred to in the period of 1992-2002.
Among the benefits, the articles highlights: prevention and reduction of backaches, pains on hands and feet and cardiovascular stress, strengthening of pelvic muscles, reduction of premature deliveries and C-sections, more flexibility and tolerance to pain, ponderal gain control and increase of the self-esteem in pregnant women. As for the fetus there was improvement of weight and nutritional conditions. There were no recommendations of nutritional needs for non-athletic pregnant women. There was no consensus related to nutritional needs and the type of physical activities for pregnant women. Physical exercises in the water were considered more adequate. There are various counter-indications for exercises during pregnancy. The conclusion is that regular and moderate physical and controlled activities in the beginning of pregnancy are beneficial to mothers and fetuses.
K ey words M otor activity, Exercise, Pregnancy;
Embryo and fetal development

Daniele Costa Batista 1
Vera Lucia Chiara 2
Sílvia Angela Gugelmin
Patrícia Dias Martins 4



Pós-graduação de Nutrição e Atividade Física. Instituto de
Nutrição. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
2-4 Departamento de Nutrição Social. Instituto de Nutrição.
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rua São Francisco
Xavier, 524, 12º andar, sala 12.001, Bloco D. Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
Brasil. CEP: 20.559-900.

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