Direito à saúde: um convite à reflexão
Healthcare rights: an invitation for reflection
Vera Maria Ribeiro Nogueira
Denise Elvira Pires de Pires 2
1 Departamento de Serviço
Social, Universidade
Federal de Santa Catarina,
Florianópolis, Brasil.
2 Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem,
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Florianópolis, Brasil.
Vera Maria Ribeiro Nogueira
Campus Universitário,
Florianópolis, SC
88040-900, Brasil. vera@mbox1.ufsc.br Introdução
This study focuses on changes and breaks in contemporary society relating to the right to healthcare as a universal value, in conformity with the guidelines provided by multilateral agencies and disseminated particularly since the 1990s. From the genesis of social rights and by tracing the interdependence between social and economic aspects of social citizenship in democratic capitalist countries, the study presents the two paradigms informing the approach to healthcare in the early 21 st century: the full citizenship paradigm, according to which the right to healthcare is a universal value, and the paradigm of restricted social citizenship, according to which the right to healthcare is guided by the criterion of efficiency and economic rationalization. These propositions align with the health economy paradigm, which (i) defends focused resource allocation to attenuate poverty conditions, (ii) reduces the role of the state, (iii) recommends resource allocation to healthcare in association with social protection, and (iv) defines the market as the privileged regulator of healthcare actions.
Este artigo contém uma reflexão sobre o direito à saúde enquanto um direito de cidadania social. Decorre de preocupações éticas e políticas que surgem e se intensificam em face das propostas para o setor saúde que vêm sendo veiculadas pelo Banco Mundial (BM), ou Banco
Interamericano de Desenvolvimento e Organização