Crônicas da Boca do Inferno
From: Mrs Diogo Nunes
Subject: Madeira Adventure Park
As requested, the purpose of this report is to describe and assess the suitability of the “Madeira Adventure Park” for a school trip.
Firstly, there is a wide range of activities to choose from, such as canyoning, BTT, mountain climbing, levada walks and an adventure package. Despite the fact canoying, BTT and levada walks being in the outside of the park itself, the safety of the students is always assured. The adventure package consists on five radical experiences such as slide, rappel, shooting and climbing. These activities are designed for children and adults and are performed under strict safety measures. There are also special packages for groups featuring team challenges targeting the development of the team spirit and cooperation. This is a great experience.
Facilities & Prices
The park has excellent facilities, as well as multiple security warning signs. In addition, all ropes and harnesses are in perfect condition. It offers children and adults the opportunity to experience the typical Madeira Island’s flora and fauna. The park is open all year around and the prices start at 15€ per person.
Overall, Madeira Adventure Park has plenty of activities to experience in spite of some of them being outside the park. Its excellent facilities make it a highly suitable place for school outings, and I would strongly recommend it.
Apresentação português
Apresentação dos parâmetros paratextuais
-Capa humorística
-Opinião pessoal do autor em relação ao livro
Ficha técnica
-Ricardo araujo pereira
-João fazenda (ilustrações muito cómicas)
-Compilaçao das crónicas escritas semanalmente para a revista visão
-Licenciado um comunicação social
-Começa como repórter
-Várias ocupações
Caraterísticas da obra
-Cronicas juntam uma boa dose de humor com uma excelente crítica
-Discrição de