Cloud computing

1231 palavras 5 páginas


1. Introduction to cloud storage 2

2. What data models are supported by existing cloud-based storage systems?...........................................................................................2

3. What are the technical trade-offs between the key-value sores commonly used and relational databases? 3

3.1 Comparison of Key-value store and Relational Database……………..4

4. How do application developers choose a particular storage system? 5

5. How does one design cloud-based storage systems to ensure that a user’s data survives or 100 years, even as companies come and go? 5

6. List of references: 6

Introduction to cloud storage

Cloud storage can be defined as a backup and storage service on the Internet. There are many third-party providers that let users upload and store any type of data. Many providers offer a limited amount of disk space for free with monthly fees for higher capacities, while others charge per-gigabyte-per-month. Moreover, cloud storage is based on highly virtualized infrastructure and has the same characteristics as cloud computing in terms of agility, scalability, elasticity and multi-tenancy, and is available both off-premise and on-premise. There are four main types of cloud storage: • Personal Cloud Storage; • Public Cloud Storage; • Private Cloud Storage; • Hybrid Cloud Storage;

What data models are supported by existing cloud-based storage systems?

A Gartner survey says that about 19% of organizations are using the cloud for production computing, while 20%are using public cloud storage services. Following are two of the market leaders nowadays. On one hand is Amazon Web Services (AWS) in which according to Gartner, is the "industry reference point." It keeps innovating and offers services such as Simple Storage


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