Abstract: The macromolecules are large organic molecules that play important roles in our lives - structural, energy, enzymes, storage and transfer of information. These are the basic constituents of cells such as water (which is greater quantity) and minerals (present in small amounts). The protides, the carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids are types of biomolecules. Each of these four polymers comprises a simpler structural unit (monomers). The process of linking monomers which yields polymers and one water molecule is called polymerization. Unlike the polymerization, the division of a polymer, in his various monomers, it’s called depolymerization.
Palavras-chave: prótidos, glícidos, lípidos, ácidos nucleicos, aminoácidos, monossacarídeos, ácidos gordos e glicerol, nucleótidos.
Key-words: protides, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids and glycerol nucleotides.
Bibliografia: MATIAS, Osório; MARTINS, Pedro; Biologia 10; Areal