Banco. Capitanzacao. Conversao. Direito. Economia. Empresa. Etica. Financeira. Governo. indice. rnnacao. lnstituicao. Juros. Justi9a. Lei. Matematica. Maeda. Moral. Norma. Plano.
This Article economic, legal and mathematician first demonstrates the different concepts and definitions of inflation and interest rates, among some, is that inflation is a persistent increase in prices, abnormal growth and continuous means of payment (money and credit) in relation to the needs of the consumer movement involving the whole economy and which results in a continuous loss of purchasing power of money, media for its contents, then the characteristics of inflation and interest, and finally the mathematical analysis of the applicability of interest in relation to inflation. Demonstrates how inflation arose in the evolution history of Brazilian society since the publication of Decree-Lawn •22,636, of April 7, 1933 and which was made by government authorities in Brazil, along this historical evolution so that they could fight or control, since that govemment authorities should keep under control, if you can not fight it. It also brings an approach of the effects caused by uncontrolled inflation on interest. Reports the historical evolution of inflation in Brazil,as well as what had been done to combat or control it. Makes Mathematics and general explanation of the major indices and institutes that assess, measure and disclose the rate of inflation. Shows ethical, legal, fair and morality that legal rules issued from, the Usury Law, related to interest, still without repeal or amendmentfeesas set out in theserules.
Contabilidade.Direito. Economia. Matematica. Tributaria.
o presente artigo, primeiramente, objetiva contribuir com os profissionais das Ciencias Contabeis, Economicas, Exatas, Humanas e Sociais, especialmente