Palavras-chave: PLR, Produtividade, Qualidade, Comprometimento, Motivação, Metas, Desempenho, Retenção de talentos e Remuneração variável.
This job has the objective of demonstrate the value that programs de participação nos lucros e/ou resultados (PLR) have, for employees and companies and to accentuate that this programs when implanted and conduced clearly and objectively transform from costs into investments because incite the productivity increasing, improvement of product quality and/or services, act as ally in attraction and retention of talents, stimulate the team job and conduct the employees efforts and performance to reach the organization objectives. This study shows that the implantation of programs of participação nos lucros e/ou resultados in an assertivo and strategic way becomes in a big ally to organizations. This affirmation is proved in the bibliographic abstract made with renowned authors and specialists in these subjects as much as campo research