Perfil epidemiológico e clínico de pacientes admitidas com diagnóstico de sepse puerperal de origem pélvica em uma UTI obstétrica no Nordeste do Brasil
Epidemiological and clinical profile of patients admitted at an obstetrical ICU with diagnosis of puerperal pelvic sepsis in
Northeastern Brazil
Objectives: to describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients admitted with the diagnosis of puerperal sepsis of pelvic origin in an intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: a cross-sectional study, from February to August 2010 was conducted. Cases of puerperal sepsis from pelvic origin admitted to the ICU obstetric Institute of Integrative Medicine Professor
Fernando Figueira (IMIP) – city of Recife - Brazil were investigated. The variables were: age, origin, conducting pre-natal, delivery route, use of urinary catheter, central venous catheter, intubation, vasoactive drugs, conducting relaparotomy, the number of performed relaparotomies, performing hysterectomies, the incidence of complications and death.
Results: 77 identified admissions for sepsis, and
35 postpartum. The mean age was 22.6 years, most coming from towns of the state. 52.9% of women were aged 20 years. 62.5% were primiparous and 68.6% had undergone cesarean section. Concerning temperature, 42.8% of patients had values below 35ºC or above 37.8ºC. Complications occurred in 45.7% of patients. Dialysis was indicated in 40% and vasoactive drug used in 22.9%. Hysterectomy was performed in 44.1% of patients, in 54.3% relaparotomy necessary.
Conclusions: genital puerperal sepsis is a serious disease that affects young women with low parity. The frequency of complications and invasive procedures in this group of women is high, which implies a high morbidity and mortality. Describing this group of patients contributes with current knowledge about the disease, improving the preparation of the Centers for dealing with genital puerperal sepsis.
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