A integração sensorial no desenvolvimento sociocultural de crianças com tgd em ambiente cultural e natural
Organização Ciências e Cognição
Bianca Fonseca (1,2,3), Emanoele Freitas (1), Enio Dias Junior (2,3), Glaucio Aranha (2,4), Alfred ShollFranco (2,4,5)
(1) AAPA – Associação de Apoio à Pessoa Autista, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (2) Ciências e Cognição - Núcleo de Divulgação Científica e Ensino de Neurociências, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.; (3) CEPP/LABFILC Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (4) Organização Ciências e Cognição, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; (5) Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. bfonseca7075@gmail.com
2. Methodology
Children were separated in five groups that experienced sequentially two different exhibitions, during ten minutes each, at the Banco do Brasil Cultural Center (Rio de Janeiro city). The first workshop, named "Musicando" (“making music”), explored the auditory-visual integration through concrete perception of musical instruments and sounds, what requires complex multimodal skills involving simultaneous perception of several sensory modalities. The second workshop, “Movie-se: at the time of animation” explores environmental changes in texture, light and sound to avoid the perception of how animations presented during the exhibition occurs. Patient’s body (language) reactions were evaluated by ten monitors, as characteristics behaviors’ responses, like: willingness to remain in the room or to return to the room after the end of the session, smiles or moans, expressions of excitement and finger-pointing.
1. Introduction
The sensory integration is a process by which the central nervous system organizes various sensory stimuli providing adaptive responses to environmental demands. However, c (PDD) may lead to disrupted interaction and lost of adaptive responses to the environment changes.