
1037 palavras 5 páginas

|cheerful: behaving in a way that shows you are |cheer up (verb): to start to feel happy again |delighted: extremely happy because something |
|happy. 'I'm Robyn,' she said with a cheerful |after being sad. |very good has happened. We were absolutely |
|smile. | |delighted to hear that you’re going to England. |
| |[pic] | |
|be in a good mood: to be happy at a particular | |exhilarated: feeling extremely happy, excited,|
|time and therefore friendly to other people. |H A P P Y / E X C I T E D |and full of energy: Dan felt strangely |
| | |exhilarated by the day's events. |
|enthusiastic: feeling or showing a lot of |relieved: feeling happy because you are no | |
|interest and excitement about something: All |longer worried about something: She looked |thrilled: very excited, happy, and pleased: |
|the staff are enthusiastic about the project. |extremely relieved when she heard the news. |We were so thrilled to hear about the baby. |
| |His mother was relieved to see him happy again. | |
|glad: happy about something that has happened | |thrilled to bits/pieces (=very thrilled) |
|especially because a situation has improved. I´m| | |
|so glad


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