Uma breve análise do cenário econômico da doença cardiovascular no Brasil
An analysis of use of the health services by financing system:
Brazil 1998-2008
Silvia Marta Porto 1
Maria Alicia Dominguez Ugá 1
Rodrigo da Silva Moreira 2
Escola Nacional de Saúde
Pública, Fiocruz. Rua
Leopoldo Bulhões 1.480 7º andar, Manguinhos.
22241-210 Rio de Janeiro
Instituto de Comunicação e
Informação Científica e
Tecnológica em Saúde,
Abstract This article analyzes the use of health services from the perspective of financing based on PNAD/IBGE micro-data related to 1998, 2003 and 2008. Among the main results, the following can be highlighted: 1) The Unified Health System (SUS) continues to be the major financing agent of most consultations and hospitalizations in Brazil; its participation increased significantly between 1998 and 2003 and remained almost stable between 2003 and 2008; 2) SUS participation in financing the use of the health services has been predominant in all Brazilian regions, especially in the North and North-East, which feature the most precarious socio-economic and health conditions; 3) SUS is the major financing agent of the two extreme levels of complexity of health care: primary care and high complexity services. 4) In spite of a significant rise in utilization rates of SUS services for consultations and hospitalizations, great inequities can still be observed between the population that exclusively uses SUS and that which has private health insurance; 5) There has been an increase in the use of SUS health services by part of the population with private health insurance plans.
Key words Financing, The use of health services
Resumo Este artigo analisa, a partir de microdados de 1998, 2003 e 2008 da PNAD/IBGE, a utilização de serviços de saúde sob a perspectiva de seu financiamento Entre os principais resultados da análise, destacam-se os seguintes: 1) o SUS continua financiando a maioria dos atendimentos e das internações realizados no