ISSN (on-line) 2178-7875
Publicada pela
Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia
São Paulo - SP
Volume 19
Número 1
Março 2011
Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia, 19(1):63-73
Março de 2011
Interações mutualísticas entre aves frugívoras e plantas em um fragmento urbano de
Mata Atlântica, Salvador, BA
Pedro Cortes Andrade1,2; João Vitor Lino Mota1 e Anderson Abbehusen Freire de Carvalho1
¹ Centro de Ecologia e Conservação Animal (ECOA), Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Católica do Salvador. Campus de Pituaçu.
Avenida Professor Pinto de Aguiar, 2.589, Pituaçu, 40710-000, Salvador, BA, Brasil.
² Autor para contato. E-mail:
Recebido em 31/12/2010. Aceito em 01/03/2011.
ABSTRACT: Mutual interactions between frugivorous birds and plants in an urban fragment of Atlantic Forest, Salvador,
BA. This study was developed between October 2009 and September 2010 in an urban fragment of Atlantic Florest, Parque
Metropolitano de Pituaçu (PMP), Salvador, BA. The objective was to identify potential dispersers of seeds, as well as species of plants that can have great importance in maintaining the community of birds that occur in this park. A further objective was to identify seasonal variations between mutual interactions. In order to register the interactions, a track of 2 km had been crossed on a weekly basis. When a feeding event was observed, the behavior used by the bird to remove and ingest the fruits was registered. Twenty-two species of birds were observed consuming fruits. However, one of them was considered a predator (Sporophila nigricollis), resulting in 17 species of birds present in the mutualism network. Twenty-seven species of plants had their fruits consumed. Of those, five species had their predated fruits or pulp consumed. Tangara palmarum was the most remarkable bird, consuming