Hi, Good Afternoon. My name is Alguem, my last name is Sobrenome. I am from Teresopolis –SC, my e-mail address is , my phone number is (98)94563245 These are my things: my cell phone, my keys, my watch, my book, my television, my purse. The cell phone is under the table, the keys are next to the television, the watch is in the purse, the books are in front of the chair, the television is on the desk, the purse is behind the notebook.
Good Bye.
My Things
Hi, Good Afternoon. My name is Alguem, my last name is Sobrenome. I am from Teresopolis –SC, my e-mail address is , my phone number is (98)94563245 These are my things: my cell phone, my keys, my watch, my book, my television, my purse. The cell phone is under the table, the keys are next to the television, the watch is in the purse, the books are in front of the chair, the television is on the desk, the purse is behind the notebook.
Good Bye.
My Things
Hi, Good Afternoon. My name is Alguem, my last name is Sobrenome. I am from Teresopolis –SC, my e-mail address is , my phone number is (98)94563245 These are my things: my cell phone, my keys, my watch, my book, my television, my purse. The cell phone is under the table, the keys are next to the television, the watch is in the purse, the books are in front of the chair, the television is on the desk, the purse is behind the notebook.