Trabalho cientifico

5898 palavras 24 páginas

Espaço interativo: modelo de relação universidadeempresa baseada em comunidades de prática
Neiva Aparecida Gasparetto Cornélio
Doutora em engenharia de produção pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Estudo em Inovação, Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação (IGTI/UFSC) Santa Catarina, SC, Brasil. E-mail:

Interactive space: university-industry relationship model based on communities of practice Abstract
This article presents a summary of a research project from the Innovation, Management and Information Technology Research Group (IGTI/UFSC) whose objective was to develop a model of relations between universities and enterprises through an environment that promotes the dissemination of science, technology and innovation. The model encourages the construction of knowledge from the technologies used in everyday business, to promote the process of knowledge transfer from educational/ research institutions to productive sector. The construction method of this model comprises 5 stages: 1) operative phase (definition of the subject, gathering information and defining the problem) 2) review of literature (involving the themes of knowledge management, innovation management, and communities of practice), 3) diagnostic (information-gathering about business scenario and research center where the pilot project was developed,) 4) development of the model, 5) implementation of the pilot project. The conclusion is that the work greatly contributes to develop a model that can stimulate the approach of university knowledge to business practice, creating favorable conditions for innovation. Keywords University-industry relationship. Interactive space. Communities of practice. Innovation. Knowledge management.

Aline França de Abreu
Doutora em Information Technology pela Faculty of Engineering University of Waterloo, U.W., Canadá. Professora do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da Universidade


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