
505 palavras 3 páginas
JOURNALIST: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, mayor elections are coming and we, from the BCS, will give you the opportunity to know more about the candidates proposes and life. Each week, until the elections day, a candidate will be here at the 7 p.m. news to talk about his projects if elected, his wills for the city and other things. This week we have with us Roberto Teixeira from the PS political party.
JOURNALIST: Good evening Roberto. Firstly, thanks for coming, I can’t even imagine how hard must a political routine be during elections period, finding a break to come here was really nice from your part.
ROBERTO: Good evening Nameless. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Well, I have to admit, it was hard to find a break in my schedule, but luckily I did and here I am. It is a pleasure for me to be here and also a good opportunity to show to the viewers my proposals and my life story.
JOURNALIST: Ok. First topic: your life story. When did you start in the politics career? Have you ever worked in another area? How old are you? Are you from Sao Paulo City or another one?
ROBERTO: As you know I’m Roberto Teixeira and I’m 46 years old. Yes, I’m from Sao Paulo City, but I’ve lived 4 years in the countryside. Before I started in the politics area I was a doctor, it was during my career as a doctor that I saw how the poor population suffers with the public system. I have a friend that worked in the PS political party, so I asked him to introduce me to his companions because I wanted to be part of it. In a formal meeting I showed them my ideas to improve the health public system, they liked and made me a member of the party. This year, ten years after my entrance, I’m concurring to the mayor post.
JOURNALIST: Nice story Roberto. Now our second, and last, topic: political proposals. What public areas are your focuses? Do you believe that the situation in the health care system is the most urgent? How will you improve the transports system?


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