The great stone face
Summary of The Great Stone Face
The Great Stone Face is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A rich text to spin a tale emphasizing strength of character in a gorgeous New England setting. In New Hampshire, there is a mountain whose profile resembles a strong, noble face. Ethan, the young main character, has always been intrigued by the prophecy surrounding the mountain, which says "Someone will be born hereabouts who will look just like the Great Stone Face, and he will be the noblest person of his time." Years go by, and various men return to the village having distinguished themselves in commerce or war. Every time one of these men returns, the villagers hope he will fulfill the prophecy. However, they soon realize that riches and fame do not make one noble or good. Ethan is particularly disappointed when the Great Stone Face has no equal, but he continues to live his life with diligence and wisdom. Finally, Ethan's granddaughter points out that he resembles the Great Stone Face most of all. Ethan receives her praise with humility, in keeping with his noble character. I think the main idea of the text, is the search for the man "ideal", the "great man", and Ernest spends his whole life looking for this man with these qualities, and not realize they are becoming this "man" , pulled out a snippet of text where it starts to take shape: “…and was now a man of middle age. By imperceptible degrees, he had become known among the people. Now, as heretofore, he labored for his bread, and was the same simple-hearted man that he had always been. But he had thought and felt so much, he had given so many of the best hours of his life to unworldly hopes for some great good to mankind, that it seemed as though he had been talking with the angels, and had imbibed a portion of their wisdom unawares. It was visible in the calm and well-considered beneficence of his daily life, the quiet stream of which had made a wide green margin