
2325 palavras 10 páginas
DungeonQuest is a lighthearted, free for all, push your luck, Dungeon Crawler for 1-4 players. It is a race against time where you delve into a dungeon, plunder it's riches, and try to escape with the most treasure before the dungeon closes slaying anyone still left inside. This is actually a remake of DungeonQuest a long out of print game from the 1980's.

What's In The Box

When you open the box you are presented with a thick board, over 300 small game cards, 6 plastic hero figures, over 100 cardboard dungeon tiles, numerous tokens, 4 six sided dice, and some bonus bits for use in three other Fantasy Flight Games based in the world of Terrinoth.

This is a typical Fantasy Flight Game box, it holds the components extremely loosely so make sure you have Ziploc baggies and rubber bands handy to sort everything.

While I might grouse about Fantasy Flights box layouts, I definitely cannot complain about the component quality. The board is a very solid, folding, full color affair. One side of the board has a plainly labeled spot to lay all the various game cards. The other side has a sun track counting down the turns until the game ends.

There are 117 Dungeon Chamber tiles. The card stock again is thick, they are full color, and they even have extra little graphical images to make the dungeon tiles seem more "realistic". Adding in small touches like fireplaces, spider webs, gaping chasms, planks, portcullis, doors, uneven ground, and even stone tiles. To understand that I'll use Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game tiles for a counter point, which are fairly drab minimalistic affairs with little in the way of extra graphical flourishes.

There are also dozens of smaller tokens with various uses such as wound tokens, determination tokens, catacomb entrance markers and travel markers. Again full color high quality thick cardboard throughout. Even the Catacomb Markers use artwork to represent each character. Nice quality


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