Social justice
There are many deep causes of social injustice. The culture in Brazil has assimilated and accepted to live with some kind of violence. During the time of the colonization, Brazilian people got used to the slavery. It was common to have slaves working for no houses and fields. Believing it was possible to adjust libertarian and social democracy thinking in a social structure extremely unfair, we accepted for centuries privileges for few people while taking away the rights of others. Nowadays, there are several social researches confirming that social injustice reaches certain social groups such as: women receive lower wages than men, black people and young people who have low education or people who are unemployed.
In Brazil, poor income distribution is one of the crucial factors for the existence of social injustice. Most of the wealth is in the hands of only a few people, families or businesses. The other part of the population has no access to employment, education, health, housing, food, etc. Impunity and politics’ corruption also contribute heavily to the worsening of the condition.
What is certain is that the democratic regime enables the participation, debate and indignation of the population in face of social injustice. The Brazilian society is demanding more and more for efficient and effective political attitudes to combat the social inequality