Saúde do trabalhador
Saúde do trabalhador e o desafio ambiental: contribuições do enfoque eco s s ocial, da ecologia política e do movi m en to pela justiça ambiental
Workers’ health and the envi ronmental ch a llenge: contributions from the eco s ocial approach, the political eco l ogy and the moviment for environmental justice
Ma rcelo Firpo Porto 1
1 Cen tro de Estu dos de
Sa ú de do Tra b a l h ad e or E co l ogia Humana, E s co l a
Nac i onal de Sa ú de Pública
Sérgio Aro u c a , Fiocruz.
Av. Leopoldo Bulhões 1.480,
M n g u i n h o s , 21041-210, a Rio de Ja n ei ro RJ. m a rcel o. f i rpo@ensp. f i oc ru z . br
Ab s tract This article links the wo rkers’ health and the envi ro n m ental issu e , using as referen ces the eco so cial approach, the pol i tical ecology and the movement for environmental justice. Each reference det a ches a spe cific dimension: (1) the ecosocial approach em p h a s i zes the dimension of k n owl ed ge throu gh the devel opm ent of i n tegra ted asse s s m ent and the new role of sci en ce in ord er to surpass simpl i s tic ideol o gies ba sed on po s i tivism and fra gmentation, wh i ch ignore the co m plexi ty of socio-environmental problems and their uncertainties; (2) the pol i tical ecology and the co n cept of envi ro n m ental justi ce discuss the dimension of power, in which socio-envi ro n m ental problems a re unders tood as conse q u en ces of cen ter- peri p heries relationships of d o m i n a tion that despair the need of human beings and nature; and finally (3) the movement for environmental justi ce pre sen t s the dimension of action, wh i ch is propiti a ted the consciousness that many socio-environmental probl ems have their origin in an unfair devel opment mod el, s pe ci a lly for the most discri m i n a te d and poor population. Here we discuss the role developed by the Brazilian Network of Environmental Justice, wh i ch can be se en as a stra tegic exa mple how to face envi ro n