Saberes populares e cientificos
Saberes populares e cientificismo na estratégia saúde da família: complementares ou excludentes? Popular wisdom and scientifism in “family health” strategy: complementarity ou exclusion?
José Roque Junges 1 Rosangela Barbiani 2 Natália de Ávila Soares 2 Raquel Brondísia Panizzi Fernandes 2 Marília Schreck de Lima 2
Programa de PósGraduação em Saúde Coletiva, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNSINOS). Caixa Postal 101. 93.001-970 São Leopoldo RS. 2 Bolsistas de Iniciação Científica e alunas dos cursos de Fisioterapia e Psicologia da UNISINOS
Abstract The “Family Health” Strategy has been created to replace the traditional model of healthcare. It assumes the integration of subjective and social dimensions of users, overcoming the reduction of the health/disease process to pure technical-scientific limits. The scope of this article is to understand how the health professionals deal with popular wisdom of the Family Health Strategy users. The methodology is explanatory with a qualitative approach, using the focal group as a technique for the collection of data, and content analysis for interpretation of the results. The sample is formed by participants of the seven teams of the Family Health Strategy of the municipality of Campo Bom – State if Rio Grande do Sul, chosen according to criteria of competences, totaling twelve members. The results present divergences between professionals about accepting or not accepting popular wisdom. Many do not consider the subjectivity and the social representations of popular culture in the health/disease process. Others only tolerate this knowledge as a strategy to make the users accept the proposed therapy. However a minority values this knowledge as complementary to the scientific universe, in the construction of a comprehensive approach. Key words Family health, Professionals, Culture, Health, Knowledge
Resumo A Estratégia Saúde da Família foi criada para