Russia and middle east
Considering President of Russia Dimitry Medvedev speech at the Meeting with Russian
Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to International Organisation, we can highlight, what some call the “Medvedev Doctrine” and Russia’s role in the international scene.
After the Cold War, the underlying reasons for most of bloc politics and bloc discipline simply disappeared and nowadays the world is still searching for a new equilibrium.
Russia believes that even an influential country as the United States shouldn’t make all the decisions and the world should be multipolar. This position is enforced by Russia’s strength and ability to assume greater responsibility for solving problems on a regional and global scale.
“(…) the world is not just listening to Russia but looking to us for help with solving problems.” (Medvedev, 2008)1
Russia’s Foreign Policy Concept is based on an analysis of all aspects of contemporary international life recognizing the primacy of fundamental principles of international law. Their relations with other countries will be built within the framework of these principles and the concept of international law that defines the relations between civilized people. Therefore, Russia has no intention of isolating itself neither wants confrontation with any other country. Only by working together and without double standards, terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, drug trafficking, crime, global poverty, climate change and the spread of infectious diseases can be fought.
However Russia foreign policy decisions will be based on the need to protect the lives and interests of Russians wherever they are. This policy provides doctrinal basis for intervention in countries if Russia finds it necessary.
Finally there are regions in which Russia has privileged interests because of their historical relations and for that, bound together as friends and good neighbours.
Globally, the Russians want to use this