
284 palavras 2 páginas
One of the biggest problems the society generally faces in schools (this happens not only in schools, but practically everywhere we go, like shopping malls, universities, stores, supermarket and some public transportation) is the inclusion of handicapped people.

There are schools that teach students we are all the same, and explain to them that those who have disability have the same rights and duties as a citizen who doesn’t show any disability. But the main problem is that those people consider like “normal”, not giving a support for someone who needs so they can be included and have a normal life, with less difficulty.

Institutions of education should hire professionals who can teach both students with and without disabilities. For example, a teacher who knows the deaf and dumb language, so he/she can help out a hearing disability student during the class by translating what the other teacher is saying to the other students, at the same time. Besides that, there is also the problem of accessibility for blind people and for those who use the wheelchair, that in most of the cases, this point is forgotten, unfortunately.

Not being enough, another question is the prejudice against the students, and for a handicapped, this “non-acceptance” is the most harmful thing they can face.

Changes must happen, so that handicapped can be included in schools, like ramps, elevators, signaling on the floor and specialist teachers. Nothing of this is worth if people don’t cooperate and are not aware of those who surround us.

All of us should know we are all the same. If we start from that point of view, it won’t need special schools and people will interact all


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