Research proposal
Retaining talent is a difficulty in all companies, regardless of their size, because people tend to spend more time working on better and more motivating companies, which already is a major competitive advantage today. This research aims to outline factors that affect employee retention in Multinationals.
Globalization brought changes in the internal and external environment of companies and high complexity in managing people due diversity and culture, which causes worry to managers and make they increasingly seek alternatives to mitigate the impact of change within their corporations.
Spencer&McCarthy(2004) states that Globalisation is the development of the world into one market place for goods, services and capital.
Multinationals Organizations are in constant change to make its environments also increasingly dynamic, more profitable and flexible; this scenario has led to radical changes in the way of managing people which retention of talents is included. The valuation of intellectual capital in the knowledge era has brought a new way to treat people in organisations. The former personnel department gave in to the HR policies and practices specific, and currently is called the strategic management. In this context we enter this research with the aim to identify the main factors that affect employee retention in Multinationals.
Marchingnton and Wilkinson(2008) argues that high levels of labour turnover are related with HR policy or practice such as inappropriate recruitment and selection methods, poorly designed or uncompetitive pay systems and also by External factors like competition of labour in the area or poor public transport provision.
Armstrong (year) states that the factors affecting retention are connected with employee’s ages; Hence, goals are different according to ages. - 30 years and under career advancement is significant. -