Ouro preto
Ouro Preto is a city located at 95 kilometers from the capital of the state of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte. This city was called as a historical heritage of humanity on September 2nd, 1980.
Ouro preto has a very relevant importance for Brazil, because it was a place of historical and cultural manifestations on the time that Brazil found out gold in its territory.
This city was the set of a popular movement called by Inconfidencia Mineira, in which the ruling elite fought for the gold exploration in order to give better life conditions for Brazilian population.
The name Ouro Preto was given based on the riches found there and the city also was used to made huge economic development.
The city’s first name was Vila Rica, but later it became the city we know today as Ouro Preto.
Some of the ancient things you can see there because of being a historical heritage are: the preservation of its steep and narrow streets made of cobblestone, the colonial homes and the baroque churches and museums.
Best time to go
Minas Gerais country-style june celebrations in Ouro Preto and rural districts
Corpus Christi - street pavements decorated with delicate carpets of flowers and colored wood powder cheer the passing of the Holiest Sacrament Procession
Cineop - Ouro Preto Movie Festival
13 - Celebration of Santo Antonio (rural district of Santo Antonio do Leite)
1 to 8 - Town Week (anniversary of Ouro Preto july 8th)
7 to 28 - Winter Festival (artistic and cultural activities, workshops, lectures, etc)
11 - Festival of the Mineiros (rural district of Santo Antônio do Leite)
16 - Minas Gerais State Anniversary
Festival of Santana
15 - Celebration of Our Lady N. Sra. do Pilar (holy patron of Ouro Preto)
Celebration of Our Lady N. Sra. da Lapa (rural district of Antonio Pereira)
24 - São Bartolomeu Saint Festival (rural district of same name)
Farmer Festival (rural district of Amarantina)
Celebration of Our Lady N.