Motores a diesel
THE POLLUTION FROM DIESEL ENGINES - THE PARTICULATE MATTER CURRENT EXPERIENCES AND FUTURE NEEDS. The exhaust emissions of vehicles greatly contribute to environmental pollution. Diesel engines are extremely fuelefficient. However, the exhaust compounds emitted by diesel engines are both a health hazard and a nuisance to the public. This paper gives an overview of the emission control of particulates from diesel exhaust compounds. The worldwide emission standards are summarized. Possible devices for reducing diesel pollutants are discussed. It is clear that after-treatment devices are necessary. Catalytic converters that collect particulates from diesel exhaust and promote the catalytic burn-off are examined. Finally, recent trends in diesel particulate emission control by novel catalysts are presented. Keywords: diesel particulates; soot; diesel exhaust after-treatment; catalysts.
INTRODUÇÃO Desde os tempos mais remotos, o homem vem se tornando cada vez mais consciente do perigo que representa uma atmosfera poluída, tanto aquela gerada de modo natural, por ocasião das erupções vulcânicas ou pelo efeito de pólen, como a provocada por ele mesmo, desde a invenção do fogo. Existem registros de que essa preocupação motivou várias disposições legislativas em alguns países, como a França,