Palavras-chave: anatomia vegetal, folha, Huperzia, Lycopodiaceae, Pteridophyta
Lycopodiaceae belongs to the Lycopsida, which autapomorphy is the presence of microphyllous leaves. It was studied 10 species, and seven are endemic to Brazil: the terrestrials Huperzia christii (Silveira) Holub, H. friburgensis (Nessel) B. Øllg., H. hemleri (Nessel) B. Øllg., H. intermedia Trevis., H. reflexa (Lam.) Trevis. and H. treitubensis (Silveira) B. Øllg.; the epiphytics H. fontinaloides (Spring) Trevis., H. heterocarpon (Fée) Holub, H. hexasticha B. Øllg. & P.G. Windisch and H. quadrifariata (Bory) Rothm. The anatomical features found that are probably adaptive to a water deficient environment are the presence of epidermal cells with sinuous anticlinal walls, invaginations in the inner side of external