PALAVRAS - CHAVE: Álcool; Drogas; Ensino de Enfermagem.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to know the knowledge acquired by undergraduate nursing students concerning alcohol and drugs. The research was developed in 1998 at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing. Results: most students did not remember or attend classes discussing that topic; they had never dealt with substance users; however, they correctly responded to the concepts of substance addiction, tolerance and abstinence; they expressed their opinion that the topic must be included in the nursing curriculum. Conclusion: the knowledge acquired by students is deficient with regard tocontent or to the way it is addressed once the data suggested that content was not adequately incorporated, although students were interested in the topic.
KEY WORDS: Alcohol; Drugs; Nursing Teaching.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de ese estudio fue presentar el conocimiento obtenido sobre alcohol y drogas por alumnos de enfermería. La investigación fue realizada en 1998 en la Escuela de Enfermaría de Ribeirão Preto – USP. Resultados: la mayoria no se recordaba o no estuvo presente en las clases cuando se presentó el tema; nunca dió atención al dependiente químico; pero contestaron