
2106 palavras 9 páginas
Leonardo Assante Guazzelli Student Number: 21151637

Final Assignment

Business and Management - Foundation Degree Principles of Marketing

Tutor: Paul Carless University of West London

07 December 2011

Task 03 - Workshop: “Understanding all our customers – How it can increase sales”. Due to a lack of knowledge about consumer behaviour for part of the managers at Thammy Limited, a workshop will be presented in this report for those administrators to obtain a better understanding of the theories of consumer behaviour and a greater understanding of customers / marketoriented. After this workshop we hope to get an effective increase in sales of Thammy Limited. Begin this workshop with important information about consumer behavior, then understanding who will be the buyer of the products Tammy Limited and how can we reach these buyers to be most successful in sales. As reported earlier, to be able to increase sales of Tammy Limited, we will need two pieces of information critical. • • Knowing more about this buyer. Understanding the factors of choice.

How is it possible? The most important way to get this information is through an investigation of consumer behaviour. Kotler (2000) believes that the starting point for understanding the customer follows the flow stimulus. Culture and desires are the main reasons that influence purchase decisions. Culture creates values, perceptions, preferences and social behaviour. Within culture, we need information ranging from citizenship, religion, ethnicity and gender in the region where the buyer lives. With all this information we will have a complete set of customer’s Tammy Limited and therefore define a successful marketing strategy. Tammy is a children's market dealing with children's clothing and footwear, but they do not only deal with children who will wear these products. They are dealing directly with the people who will determine the purchase of these products. In the case of Tammy Limited, for example,


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