Limits of science
Introduction :
We are going to talk about the limits of science, its importance and how it influences people in so many areas, like religion ,aesthetic,moral, among others. We will show that science can´t answer several questions but can be powerful too.
Science has limits: A few things that science does not answer
Science is powerful and is always evoluting. It has developed the knowledge that allows us to call a friend halfway around the world with a cell phone, vaccinate a baby against many diseases, build a skyscraper, and drive a car. And science helps us answer important questions like which areas might be hit by a tsunami after an earthquake, how did the hole in the ozone layer form, how can we protect our agriculture products from pests, and who were our evolutionary ancestors? With such range, the reach of science can seem to be endless, but it is not. Science has definite limits.
Science doesn't make moral judgments
When is euthanasia the right thing to do? What universal rights should humans have? Should other animals have rights? Questions like these are important, but scientific research will not answer them. Science can help us learn about terminal illnesses and the history of human and animal rights and that knowledge can inform our opinions and decisions.As last resource , individual people must make moral judgments. Science helps us describe how the world is, but it can´t make any judgments about lots of previous questions, if they are right, wrong, good, or bad.
Science doesn't make aesthetic judgments
Science can reveal our heart frequency and how our eyes send information about color to our brains, but science can´t tell us if a Beethoven symphony, a Sheakspeare performance, or a Van Gogh painting is beautiful or horreful. People take those decisions for themselves based on their own aesthetic values.
Science doesn't tell you how to use scientific knowledge
Although scientists have a deeply concern