Concreto de cimento portland
L. Dvorkin and O.Dvorkin
St-Petersburg ( Russia), Stroi-Beton, 2006 mailto:
L.Dvorkin and O.Dvorkin “Basics of Concrete Science” 2006. – 692 pages
Л.И.Дворкин, О.Л.Дворкин “Основы бетоноведения”, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, изд.Строй-Бетон, 2006, 692 с.
Reviewers: Doct. Prof. Komohov P. Doct. Prof. Krivenko P. Doct. Prof. Ysherov-Marshak A.
ISBN 590319702-7
There are enlightened basic aspects of scientific concrete science. There is given summary of modern ideas about hardening and structure-forming of cement stone and concrete, rheological and technological properties of concrete mixes, strength, strain and other properties, which determine concrete operate reliability and durability. There are considered basic types of normal weight cement concrete, lightweight and cellular concrete, non-cement mineral binders concrete, mortars. The book is addressed to students and post-graduate students of construction specialties of higher educational establishments, scientists and technologists.
1. L.I.Dvorkin "Optimum Design of Concrete Mixtures", Lvov, Vusha Skola, 1981, 159 p. (Rus.) 2. L.I.Dvorkin,.V.I.Solomatov, V.N. Vurovoi, S.M.Chydnovski "Cement Concrete with Mineral Admixtures", Kiev, Bydivelnik, 1991, 137 p. (Rus.) 3. L.I.Dvorkin, O.L.Dvorkin "Effective Cement - Ash Concrete", Rivne, Eden, 1999, 195 p. (Rus.) 4. O.L.Dvorkin "Design of Concrete Mixtures. (Bases of Theory and Methodology)", Rivne, NUWMNR, 2003, 265 p. (Rus.) 5. V.I.Bolshakov, L.I.Dvorkin "Building Materials", Dniepropetrovsk, Dnipro-VAL, 2004, 677 p. (Rus.) 6. V.I.Bolshakov, L.I.Dvorkin, O.L.Dvorkin " Bases of Theory and Methodology of Multi-Parametrical Design of Concrete Mixtures", Dniepropetrovsk, PGASA, 2006, 360 p. (Rus.) 7. L.I.Dvorkin, O.L.Dvorkin " Building materials from wastes of industry", Rostov-na-Dony, Phenics, 2007, 363 p. (Rus.) 2