Interpretação de texto em inglês

1796 palavras 8 páginas
|[pic] |Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro |
| |Faetec |
| |Escola Técnica Estadual Visconde de Mauá |
| |Nome:________________________________________No ____ Turma:____ |

NAME: The Flu. ALIASES: Influenza, The Flu Bug
ADDRESS: World traveler. Usually found at airports, malls, offices and public spaces. He is known to invite himself into homes for extended stays.
BEWARE: The Flu is contagious and should be considered dangerous. If you have come in contact with The Flu and think you have symptoms, talk to your doctor immediately. If your doctor says it’s influenza, ask about RELENZA, to help start feeling better sooner. CALL: 1 – 877 – HELP – FLU Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a virus that lives primarily in the lungs. He brings symptoms such as high fever, fatigue, sore throat, cough and body aches. New RELENZA is an inhaled antiviral medicine that can be used in patients as young as 12. The first dose should be taken within 2 days of feeling flu symptoms, so talk to your doctor immediately. Patients with asthma or chronic lung disease may be at risk of wheezing and should consult their doctor. Side effects are generally mild and may include sinusitis, nausea and diarrhea, and occurred in 3% or less patients. You should be known how to use the inhaler. It may take a few days to start feeling better. Please see Brief Summary of Prescribing Information on the following page.
Glaxo Wellcome
LIFE, March 2000

Vocabulary: flu = gripe \ wheezing = chiado \ mild = moderado

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