Identidade étnica como preditor do bem-estar
2012, Vol. 9, Nº 2, 33-42
Copyright 2012 by Summa Psicológica UST
ISSN 0718-0446 (impresa)
Ethnic Identity as predictor for the well-being: An exploratory transcultural study in Brazil and Europe
Identidad étnica como predictor del bienestar: Estudio exploratorio transcultural en Brasil y Europa
Diana Ramos De oliveira1
University of the Basque country, Spain
Andrzej pankalla
University of Adam Mickiewicz, poland
Rosa cabecinhas
University of Minho, portugal
(Rec: octubre de 2012 – Acep: octubre de 2012)
The aim of the present research was to examine the association between subjective well-being, ill-being with ethnic identity in different cultural groups of college students (Brazilian, portuguese, and polish). A questionnaire package was responding: Ethnic identity, Health, Depression and Happiness. Results show that Brazilians students are the group particularly where find relationships between ethnic identity and well-being. The European students (portuguese and polish) have showed an significant association between the positive attitude and its sense of ethnic belonging with better quality of life and less ill-being. These results are important because, confirm the basic idea of the strong social identity as an aspect of happiness and less distress; and discurs practical intervention directed toward ethnic identity.
Keywords: ethnic identity, well-being, ill-being, Brazil and Europe.
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue examinar la asociación entre la felicidad y el malestar en los grupos analizados con la identidad étnica, en grupo de estudiantes universitarios (Brasil, portugal y polonia). Se aplicaron los siguientes cuestionarios: identidad Étnica-MEiM, Salud, Depresión y Felicidad. los datos muestran que los estudiantes brasileños en particular fueron el grupo donde se encontraron más relaciones entre la identidad étnica y el bienestar. los estudiantes europeos (portugueses y