Gerenciamento de Facilidades

3473 palavras 14 páginas

Facility Management (FM) is a tool for management and outsourcing services side, with a focus on real estate and search for resource optimization and cost reduction. Introduced in Brazil by the year 2000, this tool is, so far, unknown in many segments with only a few studies. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of the "Facilities Management" (Facilities Management) FM / GF, and their utilities in the maintenance area in closed condominiums and upscale subdivisions. Through literature search was carried out the scientific article. With the standardization of the maintenance system, these techniques seek internal customer satisfaction, service quality, time to produce, control and minimize costs, increase equipment life and stratify the company's goals, striving for continuous improvement cell maintenance. A key purpose of this work is the involvement of the maintenance management of facilities. The aim is therefore to highlight that the management of facilities linked to the maintenance sector to improve service to the shareholders depends on the ability to identify, communicate and administer. Thus, we conclude that an efficient model of management must have the support of an effective information system to streamline decision-making.

Keyworks: Facility Management, Information Management, Outsourcing, Maintenance.

A palavra facilidade vem do latim facilitas – atis e já era utilizada no século 16 para denominar o ato de auxiliar e tornar mais fácil alguma ação. Seguindo esse conceito, pode-se dizer que a GF (Gestão de Facilidades) é a combinação otimizada de esforços que visam facilitar as atividades de todas as áreas de uma organização. Ações ou intenções estratégicas que, por meio de recursos diversos, produzem regras replicadas ao longo do tempo reforçam novas estruturas. Essas estruturas, por sua vez, reproduzidas repetidas vezes, originam um ambiente institucional. A legitimação


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