Eucalipto pci
S. Pérez, C. J. Renedo, A. Ortiz, M. Mañana, D. Silió, J Peredo Department of Electric and Energy Engineering ESTI Industriales y Telecomunicación, University of Cantabria Av Los Castros s/n, 39005 Santander (Spain) Phone: +34 942 201382, fax: +34 942 201385, e-mail:
In this work a power characterization of adult stages of the species Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens has been made. The study has been made in six different plantations in Cantabria (North coast of Spain), located at a latitude 43º28'N, and a longitude 3º48'W. The region has approximately 30,000 Ha dedicated to the growth of Eucalyptus. After the collection of samples they were weighed, analyzed and burned, resulting a mean net calorific value of 17,384 kJ/kg and 17,927 kJ/kg for the E. globulus and E. nitens, respectively. Finally, the economic and environmental consequences that the crop of these species would suppose for the region of Cantabria were analyzed.
(wood, firewoods) and other social and cultural services (tourism). This way, apart of the decisive contribution to the environment protection, it supposes a considerable help to the socioeconomic development of rural areas, as much fixing population as generating alternative jobs. In this article the biomass considered has forest origin, namely different species of Eucalyptus in the North of Spain, Cantabria.
2. Forest biomasa in Cantabria
Key words:
Biomass, eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus nitens, energy crops, forest wastes, net calorific value. The bioclimatic and geographic characteristics of this region form an optimal scenario for the development of forest species. The Cantabrian forests suppose more than 2/3 of its territory, where almost 60% of them are in use. This supposes a great forest surface that is still susceptible of growing in an important way.
Table 1. Forest surface in Cantabria Use