Estudo de inpacto ambiental
Shopping centers: avaliação de impacto ambiental Shopping centers: environmental impact assessment
Fábio Bortoli1
Arquiteto, consultor e professor. Centro Universitário FEEVALE. Endereço: Rua Faria Santos 387/303, Porto Alegre, Brasil. E-mail:
Palavras-chave: shopping center, estudo de impactos ambientais, avaliação de impacto ambiental.
The environmental impact assessment is a tool to predict, minimize, compensate or avoid the adverse environmental effects of entrepreneurships and maintain or improve population’s life quality. In Porto Alegre city, the projects of shopping centers are subjects of environmental impact assessment in Prior License phase. This processes results, in most cases, in project modifications and demand for mitigating impacts incorporation. This paper discusses the main environmental impacts associated with the establishment or expansion of shopping centers located in consolidated urban areas, suggests the licensors bodies guidelines of Porto Alegre municipality related to mitigating these impacts and their consequences to the entrepreneurships. The analysis starts with the data collection from environmental processes licensing of shopping centers projects and the survey shows that the main impacts are related to the increase in vehicular traffic, pollution, noise; changes in urban drainage, removal of vegetation and generation of solid waste. To mitigate these impacts the municipal bodies require adjustments to the project implementation, expansion of urban infrastructure, such as drainage systems and road infrastructure, resulting inevitably in pressure on projects and investments.
A avaliação de impacto ambiental é uma ferramenta que auxilia na previsão, redução, compensação ou eliminação de impactos ambientais adversos decorrentes da implantação de empreendimentos. Em Porto Alegre, os projetos