
3432 palavras 14 páginas
Revista Fafibe On Line — n.3 — ago. 2007 — ISSN 1808-6993 www.fafibe.br/revistaonline — Faculdades Integradas Fafibe — Bebedouro – SP

Recursos Fisioterapêuticos Utilizados no Tratamento do
Envelhecimento Facial
(Physiotherapeutics Resources Used In Face Aging Treatment)
Soraya L. G. Souza1,2; Larissa P. Braganholo1,3; Adriana C. M. Ávila1,4;
Adriana S. Ferreira1,5

Centro de Estudos do Curso de Pós-Graduação de Fisioterapia Dermato-Funcional da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto – UNAERP
soraya.luiza@hotmail.com; 3larabraganholo@hotmail.com; 4adricm@terra.com.br;
Abstract. The aging is a slow, gradual and irreversible process that is influenced by diverse factors. The intrinsic aging also is called true or chronological and the extrinsic photoaging. All this process does not possess a definite cause that explains the nature of these anatomical alterations, but some theories try to justify it.
Independent of the justification for the aging, its main signals are rhytides, spots, dry skin, loss of luminosity, lipodystrophy etc. Knowing that one of the most important demographic factors of the present time is the increase of the aged population and that it each time more if worries about the maintenance of a good appearance, a bibliographical survey with the objective was carried through to instruct the professional used physiotherapists regarding the therapeutical ones for the attenuation of these signals. This survey was gotten from books scientific text, articles and related sites of the health area. One expects through this work demonstrating the main techniques used in the treatment of the face aging, as well as demonstrating the benefits for offered them. With the study the physiotherapists and the increasing importance of its performance in this area had been demonstrated to the main resources used for.
Keywords. face aging, photoaging, rhytides, phisiotherapy.
Resumo.O envelhecimento é um processo


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