Dicionário de negócios
What information does the in company Elementary Wordlist give you? • a summary of key words and phrases from each unit of in company Elementary Student’s Book • pronunciation of keywords and phrases • sample sentences showing the words and phrases in context • common collocations, expressions and idioms using the key words • also included are opposites and American English equivalents Abbreviations used in the Wordlist
(v) (adj) (n) verb adjective noun (phr v) phrasal verb (n pl) plural noun (adv) adverb (conj) sb sth conjunction somebody something (Am E) American English (Br E) British English
in company
/I/ /i…/ /U/ /u…/ /e/ /´/ /‰…/ /O…/ /œ/ /ø/ big fish green beans should look blue moon ten eggs about mother learn words short talk fat cat must come /bIg fIS/ /gri…n bi…nz/ /SUd lUk/ /blu… mu…n/ /ten egz/ /´baUt møD´(r)/ /l‰…n w‰…dz/ /SO…t tO…k/ /fœt kœt/ /møst køm/ /A…/ /Å / /I´/ /eI/ /U´/ /OI/ /´U/ /e´/ /aI/ /aU/ calm start hot spot ear face pure boy nose hair eye mouth /kA…m stA…t/ /hÅt spÅt/ /I´(r)/ /feIs/ /pjU´(r)/ /bOI(r)/ /n´Uz/ /he´(r)/ /aI/ /maU∏/
/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /tS/ /dZ/ /k/ /g/ /f/ /v/ /∏/ /D/ pen bad tea dog church jazz cost girl far voice thin then /pen/ /bœd/ /ti…/ /dÅg/ /tS‰…tS/ /dZœz/ /kÅst/ /g‰…l/ / fa…(r)/ /vOIs/ /∏In/ /Den/ /s/ /z/ /S/ /Z/ /m/ /n/ /N/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /w/ /j/ snake noise shop measure make nine sing house leg red wet yes /sneIk/ /nOIz/ /SÅp/ /meZ´(r)/ /meIk/ /naIn/ /sIN/ /haUs/ /leg/ /red/ /wet/ /jes/
This file has been downloaded from www.businessenglishonline.net
It is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2004.
in company
Unit 1 headword advertising (n) agreement (n) bargain (n)
example sentence Real Madrid’s marketing deals are worth € 70 million a year in advertising. A business agreement is a deal between two