Cancer de mama
According to the evidence, there is a need for more thorough assessment and quantification of body size and shape and the risk of breast cancer. Using the somatotype methodology, we carried out an original research in order to explore possible associations between body shape and the risk of breast cancer in Uruguayan women. With this objective, 254 recent breast cancer cases and 1,000 frequency-matched healthy controls were interviewed on menstrual and reproductive story, and a series of skinfolds, circumferences and diameters were measured specifically to calculate somatotype. A positive association with breast cancer was found for high endomorphy (Odds Ratio [OR] = 2.82, p < 0.001), mainly among premenopausal women (OR = 4.98, p =45) menstruations had ceased at least for 6 months, excluding pregnancy, she was classified as postmenopausal; • History of cancer in first and second degree relatives; • Physical exercise (yes/no), frequency, duration and intensity and • Self-reported weight at age 18. There was no question on hormonal replacement therapy, because it is not usually prescribed to postmenopausal women who belong to the studied subpopulation. The question about physical exercise referred to free-time activity, recreational or competitive, 5 years prior the interview. This assessment was performed only as an exploratory tool in the studied group, whose low income limits their time and access to sport institutions. The method was not validated. Concerning anthropometry, the following measurements were taken:
Rev Bras Epidemiol 2008; 11(2): 215-27
218 Ronco, A.L. et al.
Somatotype and risk of breast cancer: a case-control study in Uruguay
• height (measured to the nearest centimeter) • weight (at intervals of 0.100 kg) • circumferences (in cm): (waist, hip, flexed