
693 palavras 3 páginas
ed your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

I take a deep breath everytime I pass your door
I know you're there but I can't see you anymore
And that's the reason you're in the dark
I've been a stranger ever since we fell apart
And I feel so helpless here
Watch my eyes are filled with fear
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

Now I'm dreaming, will I ever find you now?
I walk in circles but I'll never figure out
What I mean to you, do I belong
I try to fight this but I know I'm not that strong

And I feel so helpless here
Watch my eyes are filled with fear
Tell me do you feel the same
Hold me in your arms again

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

I need your love

All the years
All the times
You have never been to blame
And now my eyes are open
And now my heart is closing

And all the tears, all the lies, all the waste
I've been trying to make a change
And now my eyes are open

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free
Letra enviada por Leandro Arlan
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18 Months álbum Comente
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