Palavras-chave: Reciclagem, meio ambiente, cidadania.
This paper reflects on the environmental problems in our society, especially on the garbage in Crasto , your destination and possible ways to reuse, also addresses the need of educational practice-oriented understanding of social reality and human rights and responsibilities in relation to personal, collective and environmental society. Our main goals, learn how interdisciplinary work with elementary school students on environmental education, particularly using the waste recycling and studies on environmental issues, sensitizing students and local residents about the benefits of waste recycling and preservation of the environment. The realization of this work is guided in qualitative studies of environmental education and waste recycling.
Keywords: recycling, environment and citizen
1- Introdução:
O presente artigo tem por finalidade desenvolver dentro da comunidade Crasto, a valorização da cultura ambiental, criando espaços para manifestações que proporcionem reflexão crítica da realidade e afirmações positivas dos valores