Drammensfjord, SE Norway. Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy, Paleoceanography and Taxonomy of
Agglutinated Foraminifera, NATO ASI Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences. C. Hemleben, M. A.
Kaminski, W. Kuhnt and D. B. Scott. 327: 661-694.
Alve, E. (1991).Benthic foraminifera in sediment cores reflecting heavy-metal pollution in Sorfjord, Western
Norway. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 21(1): 1-19.
From abstract: Analysis of benthic foraminifera in two short sediment cores (15 and 53 m water depth) from heavy metal-polluted Sorfjord indicates that a faunal shift has taken place, due to heavy metal enrichment.
Both cores reveal an upward transition from a moderately polluted environment represented by a
Verneuilina media assemblage to an extremely polluted environment represented by an Eggerelloides scabrus assemblage. The total abundance of foraminifera decreases upward in both cores, whereas species diversity shows only a minor decrease. The frequent occurrence of abnormal and pyritized specimens is attributed to the effects of pollution. Seven different modes of test deformation are described.
Alve, E. (1995). Benthic foraminiferal responses to estuarine pollution: a review. Journal of Foraminiferal
Research, 25(3): 190-203.
From abstract: Benthic foraminiferal distributions in polluted marine areas have been investigated over the last three to four decades, and several workers have pointed out that they provide one of the most sensitive and inexpensive markers available for indicating deterioration of marginal marine environments. Most investigations have been carried out in temperate regions, in areas exposed to several pollution sources.
Environments characterized by organic waste contamination (e.g., sewage or paper and pulp mills) have been addressed more frequently than areas exposed to oil, thermal and various other kinds of