Bastardos Inglórios
ABSTRACT: The movie, Inglorious Basterds, tells two different stories that end up having the same objective: Cease the Nazi regime. In one side we are introduced to to the Basterds: jew-american soldiers under the commands of the USA army, with the purpose of exterminating and inflicting to the Germans the same fear and cruelty they were bringing to the world. On the other side there’s a jewish woman, Shoshanna, who seeks revenge for its family death by the hands of a Nazi known as a jew hunter. The movie takes place at France, around the time it was taken over by the Germans during the Second World War. Quentin Tarantino mixes reality and fiction, describing the real chasing and suffering of the jewish people, and developing a different ending for the story, which was actually a dream for many jews.
Palavras-chave: Nazismo; Segunda Guerra Mundial; Judeus; Vingança; Perseguição.
Key-words: Nazism; World War II; Jews; Revenge.
Dirigido por Quentin Tarantino tem como foco o nazismo. A partir de duas histórias, é retratada a perseguição aos judeus, ambientada na França.
Diferente de qualquer filme de guerra que tenha vindo antes dele, Bastardos Inglórios nos mostra de forma fictícia