Bacharel publicidade propaganda
Maria Aparecida Maluche, Ms.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção -EPS/UFSC
Fone (0xx48) 9960.7782 – Email:
Antônio Diomário de Queiroz, Dr.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de produção - EPS/UFSC
Fone (0xx48) 331.7069 – Email: diomá
The management control model presented in this work intends to contribute for the small company management, providing a target for the basic control of its activities in order to assure the quality of its products and processes. To accomplish it, procedures, registers models and operational and management records are suggested, as well as overall tools, so the control can be executed among all sections of the organization entirely. The integration of all sections of the organization occurs through the usage of an information system capable to perform the necessary actions previously defined by the company planning, supplying concise information needed to measure the whole organization performance. This model has been conceived from an application at a small company, in which the need of controls have bee found the need of formal control for each phase of the life cycle, which have facilitated the transition of this company from a phase to another, and thus, allowing the company to perform a self-development into a structured process.
Key-words: Pequena Empresa, Qualidade e Controle de Gestão
Gestão Estratégica em Pequenas e Médias Empresas
1 Introdução
Atualmente as empresas vêm enfrentando bruscas mudanças no mercado em que atuam, o que as leva à necessidade de evoluírem das práticas gerenciais existentes para uma abordagem contemporânea acerca de suas necessidades reais. Para isso, os gestores precisam conhecer os pontos fortes e fracos do ambiente interno e as oportunidades e ameaças externas de sua empresa para