Apostila inglês turismo

1267 palavras 6 páginas

I am (not) I’m Am I?

you are (not) you’re Are you? Is not = isn’t

he, she, it is (not) he’s, she’s, it’s Is he, she, it?

we are (not) we’re Are we? Are not = aren’t

you are (not) you’re Are you?

they are (not) they’re Are they?

1. Leia o parágrafo e marque T (True) ou F (False):

Tourism is not easy to define, but it is intrinsically connected to traveling. Accurate statistics in this field are also difficult to obtain. Defining a tourist, however, is easier. If you are visiting a place other than your usual residence for more than 24 hours, then you are a tourist. At least, that is the way a tourist is often defined. There are differences between a tourist and an excursionist. According to Eugene Hall, a tourist differs from an excursionist in the duration of his or her trip. The latter is described as someone “who is away from his or her usual residence for less than 24 hours, or at most, a weekend”.

a. A palavra “turismo” é difícil de definir. ( )

b. Estatísticas nessa área são fáceis de obter. ( )

c. Turismo não está necessariamente ligado a viagem. ( )

d. Um turista é alguém que visita um lugar diferente de onde mora por mais de 24 horas. ( )

e. A diferença entre um turista e um excursionista não está ligada à duração da viagem. ( )

f. Um excursionista é alguém que se ausenta de sua residência por mais de 24 horas até no máximo um fim de semana. ( )

2. Basic Vocabulary - Places

Procure memorizar estas palavras:

airport amusement park avenue bar bank bay beach bed & breakfast bridge bus station capital city church cliff coast consulate continent coral reefs country countryside desert drugstore earth forest gas station harbor hill hotel inn island isle jungle lake motel mountain museum


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