Analise multitemporal
Análise bitemporal do Rio Solimões no trecho entre Manacapuru e Manaus (Amazônia
Central) por meio de imagens Landsat-5/TM
Marcel Silva Passos 1
Emílio Alberto Amaral Soares 2
Carlos Alejandro Salazar 3
Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
Caixa Postal 69077-000 - Manaus - AM, Brasil 2
Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
Caixa Postal 69077-000 - Manaus - AM, Brasil 3
Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
Caixa Postal 69077-000 - Manaus - AM, Brasil Abstract. In this paper we present a study on the Solimões River between the cities of Manaus and Manacapuru, this area affected by erosion and deposition processes on the river. Some previous studies using remote sensing highlighted the presence of former presence of paleochannels with heterolytic inclined stratification, suggesting that this channel migrated in the past being a meandering river type, as opposed to the current standard stable channel featuring as anastomosed. In this study it was observed that the depositional processes formed small islands and new areas of accretion on the islands and marginal bars. The deposition is associated with decrease of flow velocity in the river water due to the enlargement of the channel, and hence induces the deposition of charge in suspension. In general, the erosion pattern the front areas of the islands and curvature of the channels, this erosion is popularly called "lands drooping". In this work, images Landsat-5/TM of 12/11/1991 and
29/11/2009 amounting to a period of 18 years, making it possible to observe large morphological changes in both river banks and islands. For this study we observed the predominance of depositional processes in relation to erosion, totaling approximately 60,965,847.83 and 51,645,646.19 ² m², respectively. This