
610 palavras 3 páginas


Nome: Alisson Barbosa de Oliveira

Data Nasc.: 05 de Janeiro de 1992
Endereço: Av. Santana - 724
Bairro: Matinha
Naturalidade: Teófilo Otoni

Filiação: José Wilson de Oliveira Meirelles Aliene Barbosa Sabará

Telefones: (33) 8844-4458 / 3523-4315 / 8820-1769

2º Ano Eja (Cursando)
Escola Estadual Ione Lewick (Noturno)

Informática Básica/Avançada
Manutenção em Micros e Redes

Moto Própria

Relaciono-me bem com as pessoas e sempre procuro fazer o melhor.
Adapto rápido a qualquer função.

Empresa: Online Informática (Assoc. Moradores Bairro Altino Barbosa)
Função: Instrutor Informática
Tempo: 6 meses

Empresa: Supra Cursos e informática
Função: Instrutor Informática
Tempo: 1Ano e 7 meses

Empresa: Barateiro Aviamentos (Carteira Assinada)
Função: Vendedor/Estoquista
Tempo: 1 Ano e 11 meses

Empresa: JA Cursos e Informática
Função: Técnico em Micros e Redes
Tempo: 2 Anos

While I was walking down the beach, I began to see a man in the distance. As I came nearer, I noticed that the man was bending down, picking something up and throwing it out into the water. He didthat many times. Time and again he continued throwing things out into the ocean.
As I came even closer, I saw that he was a fisherman. He was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beachand, one at a time, he was throwing them back into the water.
I was curious. I approached the fisherman and said, "Good morning, friend. I was wondering what you are doing."
"I'm throwing thesestarfish back into the acean. You see, it's low tide right now and all of these starfish are up here on the sand. If I dont' throw them back into the water, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen."
"Iunderstand," I said, "But there are thousands of starfish on this beach. You can't possibly get to all of


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