agrotoxicos e saude do trabalhador, muito bom

13274 palavras 54 páginas

Agro t ó x i co e trabalho: uma combinação perigosa para a saúde do tra b a l h a dor rural
Pe s ticides and work: a dangerous combination for the Brazilian agricultural worker’s health

Jandira Maciel da Si lva 1
Eliane Novato - Si lva 2
Horácio Pereira Faria 3
Ta rcísio Márcio Ma galhães Pinhei ro 3

1 Coordenadoria de
Atenção In tegral à Sa ú de do Trabalhador da
Sec ret a ria de Estado da Sa ú de de Minas Gerais.
Av. Afonso Pena 2300, sala 905, Fu n c i on á rios.
Belo Horizon te MG. stra b a l h ador @ s a u de. 2 Dep a rt a m en to de
Bi oquímica e Imu n o l ogia do In s ti tuto de Ci ê n c i a s
Bi o l ó gicas da Un ivers i d ade
Federal de Minas Gerais.
3 Dep a rt a m en to de
Medicina Preven tiva e Social da Fac u l d ade de
Medicina da Un ivers i d ade
Federal de Minas Gerais.

Ab s tract Ha rm and risk to the agri c u l tu ral worker’s health caused by pesticides have been inve s tigated having the pro cess, as well as the work relations, as the cen tral points in the Bra z i l i a n agri c u l tu re . The theme is quite pol emic, co m pl ex and co n troversial. Is sues co n cerning spe cific info rmation and pu blic policies have also be en approached. This article bears the careful considerations of GESTRU – a stu dy group aiming at bot h the health care and the rural activities of the State of Minas Gerais. The GESTRU group shows some of the results of its activities carried out in the horticulture, floriculture, coffee and sugar plantations in the State of Minas Gerais. The above mentioned group – GESTRU, i n tends to inco rporate a set of variables to be taken into serious considera tions in the asse s s m ent of the harm done to the health due to the expo su re to pe s ti ci d e s . Me asures and su ggestions are also propo sed in order to establish a set of policies and take urgent actions to prote ct the Brazilian agricultural wo rker’s health.
Key word s Pe s ticides,


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