[Vol I - n.2 ] [jan/jul] [ 2006 ]
ISSN: 1807-9342
PAMPLONA, Renata Silva (UFG/CAJ). repamplo@brturbo.com.br
Abstract: Through this article we intend to discuss the pedagogical conception proposed by the
French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, a precursor in thinking a child as an individual, creative and autonomous.By arguing that students play an important and central role in the educacional process, no longer passive, it becomes essential to review his conception, especially when his theory claims to be necessary a diferentiated educational posture that gives privilege to the student’s reflexive knowledge. We also intend to go along the particular manner that
Rousseau deals with the person’s formation, considering it as innate to human condition, which means that his ideas are entailed to the defense of freedom, naturalness and negativity, to propose a model of education that truly forms a person prepared to real life, in order to accommodate his primary necessities and, by consequence, their social needs. Rousseau’s way manner of versing about these themes allows the seek of a new form of comprehension or a new glance in postures often stereotyped and radicated in pedagogical pactices that might not attend the primary goal of the person’s formation. Thus, the proposal of this article is to go along Rousseau’s thought, seeking to reflect about it and absorb his contributions to a critical pedagogical practice as well as to a theoretical concept.
Key-words:Jean-Jacques Rousseau – pedagogical conceptions
Resumo: Este artigo busca refletir sobre a concepção pedagógica do filósofo Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, que por ser um dos pioneiros em pensar a criança como ser singular, criativo e autônomo, e por pensar o aluno como centro no processo educacional, e não mais como um ser passivo, torna-se indispensável rever sua