What is cholesterol

447 palavras 2 páginas
What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid with a different chemical structure from that of the fatty acids. It is an essential component in the plasma membrane of all cells. It is made in the liver from foods rich in fat that we eat. A certain amount of cholesterol is present in the bloodstream and we require some cholesterol to keep healthy. Cholesterol is carried in the blood as part of particles called lipoproteins. There are different types of lipoproteins, with the most relevant two being LDL and HDL.

*Low-density lipoproteins carrying cholesterol-LDL cholesterol. This is often referred as ‘ bad cholesterol’ as it is mainly involved in forming atheroma, which is the main cause of various cardiovascular diseases.

*High-density lipoproteins carrying cholesterol-HDL cholesterol. This cholesterol is often referred as ‘ good cholesterol’ as it may prevent atheroma formation.

What is chronic heart disease?

Chronic Heart disease (CHD) is a general term for many diseases of the heart (chronic meaning a condition lasting more than three months). The most common type of CHD depend is atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) which is caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and smoking. CHD can also affect the heart rhythm such as heart defects, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. Chronic heart disease is very commonly caused by the deposit of fat (cholesterol) under the endothelium. This impedes blood flow and therefore blood pressure is increased. Some symptoms of chronic heart diseases include palpitations, weakness and fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadness, fainting, left arm pain and others. It is also important to notice that many heart diseases are known as “ silent killers”, since the individual may not show any of the above symptoms and not be aware of his conditions until it is too late, that is the reason why regular medical checkups are recommended, especially for adults aged


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